I found it very hard to find data on these questions:
how many education system employees per citizen per year?
how many teachers per citizen
how many admin employees per citizen
how many schools per citizen?
I found two related charts on Our Word in data. The Public education expenditure as share of GDP only goes from 1870 to 1993. Also found this chart about “learning outcomes” per GDP (I question the value of this learning outcome measure though)
[Question] How productive are our education systems? And how has our education system scaled over the last hundred years?
I found it very hard to find data on these questions:
how many education system employees per citizen per year?
how many teachers per citizen
how many admin employees per citizen
how many schools per citizen?
I found two related charts on Our Word in data. The Public education expenditure as share of GDP only goes from 1870 to 1993. Also found this chart about “learning outcomes” per GDP (I question the value of this learning outcome measure though)