One thing to keep in mind regarding measuring influence by numbers: Because EA started earlier, many EAs will be further into executing their plans. As an example, someone who is a student in 2020 at a top university, might be a senior manager by 2030.
I still expect EA to be more influential in 2030. I’d be interested in making a bet on this.
How would you define the terms of the bet?
Haven’t thought about this thoroughly but number of EAF/PSF users/views springs to mind as a crude proxy.
Hmm, they have a big head start though. Comparing absolute numbers would be unfair to us; comparing growth rates would be unfair to them!
Well, maybe as a measure of “influence” absolute numbers would still make sense
One thing to keep in mind regarding measuring influence by numbers: Because EA started earlier, many EAs will be further into executing their plans. As an example, someone who is a student in 2020 at a top university, might be a senior manager by 2030.