Hi everyone. I’m Mark Khurana, a medical doctor and epidemiologist currently working as a research fellow at the University of Copenhagen, primarily in infectious disease epidemiology. I am the creator of the ‘Untold Health’ Substack and podcast, which explores topics within the field of health that are significant but overlooked. Also, I am the author of the upcoming book, The Trajectory of Discovery: What Determines the Rate and Direction of Medical Progress?, due to be released in the US in May 2023:
Medical research works in trajectories. Scientists and researchers must choose to pursue certain scientific pathways and omit others, limited by resources, attention, and time. The trajectory of medical progress is therefore characterized by two crucial characteristics: rate and direction. These two components form the foundation for this book—what are the forces that determine the rate and direction of progress in medicine? This book brings together the worlds of scientific policy, economics, sociology, philosophy, and innovation to describe why the world of medical research looks the way it does. The book also addresses fundamental contemporary issues in medicine, how they influence progress, and how we might improve medical research going forward. The contemporary issues discussed include: flawed incentive structures, a concentration of power and resources among few actors and disease groups, the potential distortionary effects of lobbying by different scientific actors, and missing novelty in drug development.
Ask me anything! I will be here Monday, March 27. Use the comments below to add questions, and upvote any questions you’d like to see me answer.
AMA: Mark Khurana, author of The Trajectory of Discovery, creator of Untold Health
Hi everyone. I’m Mark Khurana, a medical doctor and epidemiologist currently working as a research fellow at the University of Copenhagen, primarily in infectious disease epidemiology. I am the creator of the ‘Untold Health’ Substack and podcast, which explores topics within the field of health that are significant but overlooked. Also, I am the author of the upcoming book, The Trajectory of Discovery: What Determines the Rate and Direction of Medical Progress?, due to be released in the US in May 2023:
Ask me anything! I will be here Monday, March 27. Use the comments below to add questions, and upvote any questions you’d like to see me answer.